The strategy of 1 Church 1 Day is very simple. Thirty-one churches each cover a 24-hour day in prayer once a month, praying from a collaborative prayer list.
We connect prayer events before the National Day of Prayer (NDP) on to the Global Day of Prayer (GDP). We begin 31 days before NDP. Each of the 31 churches takes a 24 hour period to pray in any method they would like. They have total autonomy. Some will do it at their churches with worship, others will do a phone tree. One has said they will have 24 prayer captains who will come to the church and lead. But all will pray for specific targeted problems of the Topeka area, and the state of Kansas.
We continue past the Global Day of Prayer, forming local leadership, continuing to spread the word and gathering in participating churches. With unity we will cover Topeka for city-wide transformation until we hear the Lord say to stop.
A Word from 1 Church 1 Day Tim Taylor
1 Church 1 Day is based upon Psalm 18. King David cried out to God and then God thundered from heaven as He uttered His voice and scattered David's enemies.
Psalm 18:6-14 In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, .... The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, ..... He bowed the heavens also, and came down... He flew upon the wings of the wind .... His canopy around Him was dark waters And thick clouds of the skies. ..... His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire. The Lord thundered from heaven, And the Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire. He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, Lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them. NKJV
If there were ever a time when the Church needed to hear God's voice it is now.
1 Church 1 Day is also based upon Isaiah 56:7 which says God's house is to be called a "house of prayer" for all nations and Acts 15:16 which says that God wants to restored the Tabernacle of David in the last days.
1 Church 1 Day strategically uses two major prayer events, the National Day of Prayer and the Global Day of Prayer to launch 24/7 prayer in cities, counties, states and nations. The two events are tied together with 24/7 prayer through uncommon cooperation between churches within a common geography.
In each city, county, state or nation, one church is asked to take responsibility to cover one day with 24/7 prayer. Most churches are too small to do 24/7 prayer every day of every week throughout the year. But if we work together with one church taking one day, we can establish 24/7 prayer immediately. It is Ephesians 4:16 in action.
Hence every day we pray, and every day God answers. Prayer rolls over from day to day, hence 1 Church 1 Day.
Phase I
In Phase I, the National Day of Prayer is connected to the Global Day of Prayer through 24/7 prayer. The goal is to find one church in a city, county, state or nation who will be willing to cover one day with 24/7 prayer. If there is 31 days between NDP and GDOP then the goal is to find 31 churches each willing to take one day and cover it with 24/7 prayer. In addition, we also use this time to connect leaders from all 7 spheres of society in order to form a Transformation Task Force. We want to be wise stewards of our efforts and not only pray for national and international prayer targets, but we also want to use this time to pray specifically for our own state, county, city and church as well. The goal is to use this event to:
Harness the momentum from NDP and GDOP to launch on-going 24/7 prayer which supports long term transformation through the presentation of the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Washington state has served as a prototype for this strategy. By May of 2007 we had enough churches in my state praying at least one day each month so that our whole state was covered with 24/7 prayer. But the goal is to keep driving responsibility down to the lowest level. Hence the next goal was to encourage churches in each county and city to follow suit. All it requires is 31 churches each taking one day per month or seven churches each taking one day per week or some combination thereof. Using this strategy, Whatcom County then covered their county with 24/7 prayer as well. The results were amazing. Crime decreased, the economy prospered and remarkable church growth occurred in a number of churches.
Phase II
In Phase II, we seek to maintain the momentum started in Phase I. In Phase II, we ask each church if they would agree to continue to cover their one day each month with 24/7 prayer. The goal is to help each city (county, province, state, region, network, or nation) do their part to restore David's fallen tabernacle through establishing on-going 24/7 prayer all year long and to connect the leaders from all 7 spheres of society (church, business, government, media, education, healthcare and the family) who are passionate about transforming their local area.
Hence we begin the process by joining the national and international body of Christ to "pray globally" while simultaneously turning the local Church's attention to transformation by "connecting locally."
1 Church 1 Day is the strategy that harnesses the momentum from NDP and GDOP to launch 24/7 prayer and assemble the elders at the city, county or state gates.
Why Should You Participate in 1 Church 1 Day?
1 Church 1 Day:
- Supports and Increases the number of NDP, GDOP and Prayer Week events. (Increased NDP events by 300% and GDOP events by 600% in 4 years in Washington)
- Increases the volume of prayer (Deut. 32:30 - 1 puts a 1000 to flight and 2 puts 10,000 to flight) during this time thereby magnifying the effectiveness of corporate prayer for national and international prayer targets.
- Provides a practical way to capture the momentum from these annual events to turn prayer from an event into a long term local campaign of 24/7 prayer thereby welcoming God to a church, city or region (Psalm 22:3).
- Helps identify other local churches, ministries, and Christians passionate about prayer and transforming a common city, county or region.
- Unites the body of Christ around the highest common denominator (Jesus Christ) and doing what the Word says to do.
- Unites the body of Christ through a common vision (transformation) based upon passion for a common geography (city, county, region, state, nation, etc...).
- Most churches are too small to establish 24/7/365 prayer. But if we cooperate (each church takes responsibility for at least one day) then 24/7/365 prayer can be established quickly and no one is overburdened.
- Provides a way to connect local leaders and establish 24/7 prayer in a city. These are the first two steps that King David took when he established the kingdom.
- Turns prayer from an event into a long term campaign.
- Drives responsibility and authority down to the lowest level possible.
- Provides a strategy, tools and training to help form city and regional networks.
- Provides a strategy, tools and training to connect local churches to their city, county, region, state, nation and the international body of Christ.
You can find out more about Tim Taylor and the global ministry of 1 Church 1 Day by visiting 1Church1Day.org.