Answered Prayer across Kansas since April 6, 2009
As we have prayed targeted prayers, we have seen many results in Kansas. Here are a few:
- In Topeka, the police documented a 15.4% drop in crime during the period of April 6 - May 31 (Phase One of ORT 2010).
- In Southwest Kansas, particularly Elkhart, Dodge City, Garden City, they were experiencing a drought. Elkhart only had five inches of rain in the last year. Since April 6, they have had more rain than the last seven years.
- In Dodge City, they prayed for the healing of the Hispanic people and the community as well as the drought. Now Dodge City is green and beautiful. At one meeting, 120 Hispanic and white women gathered in Bible Study together. This has never happened before.
- In Arkansas City, they are sensing a unity of purpose to not give into fear in their businesses. They are placing signs in the downtown businesses that say, “We have decided not to participate in doom and gloom.” Their attitude toward the financial downfall is speaking life into the community.
- In Plainville, in Northwest Kansas, the church that hosted 24 hours prayer reported a complete rainbow right over their church the first day of the prayer.
- At Haskell University in Lawrence, they have had 75 salvations since April 6, 2009. They had a beautiful commemorative service on September 17 that released the Spirit of Forgiveness at the 125th year since the doors of Haskell opened. (Whites had removed Indian children from their homes, cut their long hair, put “American” clothes on them and told them not to speak in their native language.) God forgive us. Shame has been removed and liberty is flourishing.
- In Wichita, they were averaging three homicides per month. From April 6, 2009 (National Day of Prayer) there was not one homicide. A new team of leaders is now working in Wichita to get more churches up on the wall.
- In Manhattan, many churches are reporting a sense of unity and seeing more called to committed prayer. Women are praying each morning. The people are loving the fact that they are praying together.