1 Church 1 Day Topeka Prayer Guide
The Seven Spheres
This tool is intended as a guide to your prayers, but be led by the Holy Spirit as you pray. It can be used as a daily prayer guide as well as a monthly.
Begin with Praise and Worship
Pray for the blessing of Israel, and affirm their eternal covenant with the land. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Pray. . .
o For transformation and righteousness in every area of government.
o For the confirmation of God's choices for cabinet positions in the Trump administration.
o For God's power to triumph over anarchy, violent dissension, and other efforts to topple the US government.
o For President Donald Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Tillerson, Attorney General Sessions, CIA Director Pompeo, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Homeland Security Chief Kelly, E.P.A Administrator Pruitt, Secretary of Education DeVos and others-- that the Lord would give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:17-18).
o That the US Constitution be upheld and our Judeo-Christian foundations be preserved including the freedoms that have been endowed by our Creator God.
o For God's power to triumph over anarchy, violent dissension, and other efforts to topple the US government.
o For President Donald Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Tillerson, Attorney General Sessions, CIA Director Pompeo, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Homeland Security Chief Kelly, E.P.A Administrator Pruitt, Secretary of Education DeVos and others-- that the Lord would give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:17-18).
o That the US Constitution be upheld and our Judeo-Christian foundations be preserved including the freedoms that have been endowed by our Creator God.
o That corruption in national agencies and White House offices be exposed and dealt with biblically.
o That our foreign policy be in line with the Lord’s purposes for Israel.
o For the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court and for God's choice to replace Justice Scalia: John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan-- that God would restore our "judges as in the days of old. . ." in Washington (Isaiah 1:26). Pray that biblical marriage and godly values be affirmed by the court.
o For US Senators Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran and congressional representative Lynn Jenkins to be blessed and be a blessing.
o For the US congress and the President to deal with our national debt crisis in such a way that the nation is blessed and prospers.
o For our judges in Kansas to decide cases based on heaven's justice.
o For Governor Sam Brownback and Lt. Governor Jeff Colyer to serve God and the people.
o For Attorney General Derek Schmidt and Secretary of State Kris Kobach to hear from God and deal justly.
o That the Topeka City Council be given wisdom and knowledge to make prudent decisions. Pray for Mayor Larry Wolgast. Pray for God's choice for a new city manager. Pray the pro-homosexual agenda be thwarted as the council goes forward.
o For protection for law enforcement officers, firemen/paramedics, and other emergency responders and their families; strength, wisdom, humility, and guidance. In addition to the dangers of their jobs, they are at greater risk for divorce due to job stress.
o For laws to be enforced in the area of Sexually Oriented Businesses (SOB)—that these perverse establishments be eliminated and pornography come to an end in Topeka.
Pray. . .
o For the US military to fulfill God's purposes in the earth.
o For divine protection in the earthly and heavenly realms.
o That President Trump will restore the military to its proper role and discontinue its use as a social experiment in the realm of LGBT advancement.
o For divine protection in the earthly and heavenly realms.
o That President Trump will restore the military to its proper role and discontinue its use as a social experiment in the realm of LGBT advancement.
o For wisdom in dealing with rogue nations such as Iran, Syria, and North Korea, and terrorist groups such as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. Proper engagement with Iraq.
o For justice and protection against terrorism, foreign and domestic, and for the security of US borders. Cover our people, property, food and water supply, power grid, and transportation in prayer.
o For the Adjutant General, Lee Tafanelli, who leads the Kansas National Guard, the Division of Emergency Management, and Kansas Homeland Security.
o For effective identification and treatment of those considering suicide. Military suicide rates are extremely high at this time.
o For Chaplains to deliver the gospel, hope and spiritual strength without restriction of their Christian faith.
o Protection, and emotional and material support for the families they have left behind, and comfort and strength for those who have lost a loved one in battle.
o Those organizations in Kansas that work with military families and returning veterans to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, including the VA hospital.
o Divine physical and emotional healing for traumatized Kansas veterans.2. FAMILY
Pray. . .
o For transformation in every Topeka family.
o That our biblical, traditional understanding of what constitutes a marriage be affirmed by every Christian.
o For every Christian family and marriage to experience a renewed hunger for God and for fellowship with His people.
o For every non-Christian family to be drawn into the nurturing arms of Christ as expressed in His Body.
o For financial provision for those who work to provide, for those would work but cannot, and motivation for those who can work but do not. Release a spirit of generosity in those who have been blessed, and break the spirit of entitlement in those who take for granted their blessings.
o For Christ to be the center of every home-- above sports, social media and electronics, entertainment, and peer relationships-- and for parents to be priests for their children, guiding them by example and the Word.
o That fear, abuse, depression, and loneliness be broken by the power of the cross.
o Pray that families will rely on God’s provision but that Christian ministries and state social service agencies will be a blessing to Kansas and Topeka families as well.
Pray. . .
o For transformation in the Church of Topeka and the Church of Kansas.
o For more churches to participate in 1 Church 1 Day so our region would be covered continually in unified prayer.
o For pastors and churches to respond to our governor's call for increased prayer in our communities. Pray particularly for pastors to unite and for men to rise up in prayer.
o Pray against empty religious forms, complacency, and materialism in the Church. Pray that the Church would engage the world for evangelism, biblical social justice, ministry to the poor and oppressed, and healing for the hurting.
o That the church would set worship as its priority, realizing all ministry flows from communion with God.
o For interracial and intercultural Christian unity in the city, praying for pastors to be in covenant with one another. Pray for a newly formed ministerial fellowship.
o For God's kingdom to advance through His people in the midst of rioting, natural disasters, and crises, standing in the gap for a hurting and fallen world and interceding for mercy.
o Pray for the Church to repent, understanding that, in Scripture, drought, pestilence, and plagues are always an indication of God’s judgment on an unrepentant people.
o Pray for the Church to repent, understanding that, in Scripture, drought, pestilence, and plagues are always an indication of God’s judgment on an unrepentant people.
o That the Church of Kansas would prepare herself as a bride for her coming bridegroom, without spot or blemish.
o For pastors and church leaders to “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13)
o For a return and adherence to the absolutes of God’s Word among all congregations (Psalm 1:1-3).
Pray. . .
o For transformation in the news media, cinema, publishing, Internet, games, television, music, live performance, sports, and every form of creative art that impacts our city.
o For biblical morality and truth to be upheld in the media by prominent Christian celebrities and for degrading standards to be reversed.
o For media to be used by the Lord to spread His glory and truth.
o For our local and national media to be fair and honest in their reporting, especially in regard to pro-family, pro-life issues. Pray against fake news reports on the Internet.
o Against government censorship of Christian messages and moral truth.
o That Topeka Christians would repent for supporting ungodly entertainment and reject sexually explicit, occult, and extremely violent media content in all its forms.
o That local Christian artists would have avenues to proclaim their faith in the form of music, dance, drama, visual arts, publishing, and every other godly expression to the glory of God.
Pray. . .
o For transformation of the business climate in Topeka and Kansas.
o For our local and national economy to glorify God and accomplish His purposes whether that means boom or bust.
o For discernment for Christians as economic collapse seems imminent.
o That state and federal decisions negatively affecting the economy would motivate Christians to vote rightly, live wisely, share with the needy, and pray for their prosperity.
o For Christian institutions and Christian-owned businesses that refuse to provide mandated health care insurance that includes abortion coverage and those who refuse service for homosexual weddings.
o For the success of local businesses—a spirit of integrity, creativity, generosity, and godly wisdom.
o For an increase in participation of local business leaders who gather to pray and build godly relationships.
o That Christians would invest wisely to further the Kingdom and have wisdom concerning future investment and potential collapse.
o That believers would work as if working for Christ, honoring Him by their work ethic and positive attitude.
o That workplaces would be a setting of safety, joy, and friendship.
o For believers to be bold yet sensitive as they share the gospel in their workplace and pray for co-workers.
o That God would frustrate and expose plans which escalate injustice and greed from Wall Street to Main Street.
Pray. . .
o For transformation in education.
o That God would be welcomed back into our public schools.
o For godly education standards in Kansas and wisdom concerning Common Core curriculum.
o For a safe atmosphere conducive to learning in our institutions from preschool through college. Pray that the bullying issue be dealt with, but the pro-homosexual agenda be thwarted.
o For student ministries and Christian teachers to be in unity and empowered in their witness and discipling.
o Unity (not uniformity) for Christian schools, Christian homeschoolers, and Christians in public schools.
o That truth would be taught instead of moral relativism, and for Holy Spirit-inspired, abstinence-based sex education, creation science, anti-bullying, and anti-drug programs to be taught in Topeka and in Kansas.
o For solid family structures for students and for parents to understand they are ultimately responsible for the education of their child.
o That Christian students and teachers would not succumb to negative peer pressure but instead be a role model for others.
o For wisdom and godliness for faculty, staff, school board members, central office and administrators, and the State Board of Education. Pray for adequate, not excessive state school funding.
o For Washburn University students, faculty, staff, and administration.
o For school districts of Auburn-Washburn, Santa Fe Trail, Seaman, Shawnee Heights, Silver Lake and USD 501.
o Private schools such as Cair-Paravel, Christ the King, Hayden, Heritage Christian, Holy Family, Mater Dei, Most Pure Heart, St. Matthew's, Topeka Collegiate, and others.
o That youth would be radically committed to Christ— with solid Christian friendships, and open communication with parents.
o For God’s intentions for the teenage generation to come forth in fullest measure.
Pray. . .
o For transformation in healthcare.
o That life in the womb be valued and protected at every level of government, and those experiencing a crisis pregnancy would choose life.
o For ungodly portions of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to be either amended or repealed. Pray that this law would not be damaging to families, businesses, and healthcare providers.
o For the financial support of crisis pregnancy and care centers.
o Pray that the Church would take up its responsibility for the sick.
o That medical insurance and resources would be used wisely and that state agencies be good stewards of healthcare funds.
o That the sick would turn to the Lord for healing as well as consulting doctors. Pray that Topeka would be known as a place of divine health and healing.
o For health care workers to know the Lord and be equipped to serve others with loving hearts, that God would bless them and uphold families, friendships and finances.
o Freedom from bondage for those who suffer from depression, substance abuse, or other mental illness-- for the truth of God's love and grace to break the oppression of Satan, for Spirit-led counsel, healing of wounds, and the application of biblical truth to come alive through the Holy Spirit.
o For the mentally and physically disabled and those who care for them to be surrounded with loving friends and family, steady refreshment from God, physical stamina and healing in a nurturing environment.
o For the exposure and end of fraud, corruption and greed in the healthcare field.